Natural Remedy for Treating Insomnia, Irritability and Low Confidence

Natural Remedy for Treating Insomnia

Due to excess workload, men and women generally face problems of insomnia, irritability, lack of concentration and low confidence. These problems may affect their career growth as well as personal life so they must be carefully taken care of. This article discusses how aromatherapy can be helpful in treating insomnia, lack of concentration and low confidence. Just read this article and you will find a list of essential oils helpful in these conditions.

1. Irritability/lack of concentration - You can use any of the below oils in your bath. Or try using them for steam inhalation. You can also inhale them neat (particularly rosemary and neroli) for quick relief. Or use them in a burner or vaporizer.

These oils can help you in improving concentration:

• Chamomile
• Lavender
• Marjoram
• Neroli
• Rose
• Vetivert
• Rosemary

2. Lack of confidence - You can inhale any of the below oils for a quick uplift. Or use them in your bath. You can also use them in a burner or vaporizer.

These oils can help you in treating low confidence:

• Rosemary
• Neroli
• Petitgrain
• Jasmine

3. Insomnia - You can use 10 drops of any of the below oils in your bath and soak well.
Or for massage use 12 drops in 4 fl oz (100 ml) of carrier oil. You can also inhale the oil neat and sprinkle a few drops on your pillow.

Chamomile is one of the most sedative oils and you could also try using it as a burner and drink camomile tea before you go to bed.

These oils can help you in treating insomnia:

• Chamomile
• Sandalwood
• Ylang-ylang
• Patchouli
• Neroli
• Marjoram

Improve your life the natural way with aromatherapy and discover the magical healing properties of oils and essences to cure these common problems.

Read useful tips on Natural skin care to keep your skin soft, smooth and glowing. Know how Herbal remedies are helpful in promoting good health.

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